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- Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Education & Communication – Teacher Education, University of Florida (2014)
Specialization: Agricultural Teacher Education
Dissertation Title: An Examination of Factors Influencing Exemplary SAE Programs in Rural School-Based Agricultural Education - Master of Science in Agricultural Education and Communication, University of Florida (2012)
Specialization: Agricultural Education - Bachelor of Science in Agricultural & Extension Education, The Pennsylvania State University (2007)
Minor: Civic and Community Development
Dr. Rubenstein grew up in rural central Pennsylvania where his extended family was involved in production agriculture. Prior to beginning at the University of Georgia, Dr. Rubenstein worked as a middle and high school agriculture teacher in central and southern Pennsylvania. As of 2017, Dr. Rubenstein has 14 refereed journal publications and 31 invited and refereed presentations. At the University of Georgia, he is a teacher educator specializing in agricultural education and the utilization of experiential learning as a classroom institutional strategy.
Research Interests
Dr. Rubenstein's research interests are in school-based agricultural education, non-formal education, and experiential learning. Specifically, Dr. Rubenstein specializes in the development, implementation, and utilization of supervised agricultural experience programs in school-based agricultural education.
Current Activities
Dr. Rubenstein teaches courses in program development, community development, program evaluation, teaching and learning theory, history and philosophy of agricultural education, and domestic and international agricultural education.
Recent Publications
Fuhrman, N. E., & Rubenstein, E. D. (2017). Teaching with animals: The role of animal ambassadors in improving presenter communication skills. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(1), 226-238. doi: 10.5032/jae.2017.01226
Rubenstein, E. D., Thoron, A. C., Colclasure, B. C., & *Gordon, J. A. (2016). Supervised agricultural experience programs: An examination of the development and implementation of urban programs. Journal of Agricultural Education, 57(4), 217-233. doi: 10.5032/jae.2016.04217
Rubenstein, E. D., Conner, N. W., Hurst, S. D., & Thoron, A. C. (2016). A philosophical examination of school-based agricultural education and NBC’s Education Nation. NACTA Journal, 60(3), 263-271.
Conner, N. W., Rubenstein, E. D., DiBenedetto, C. A., Stripling, C. T., Roberts, T. G., & Stedman, N. L. P, (2015). Examining student perceptions of flipping an agricultural teaching methods course. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Rubenstein, E. D., & Thoron, A. C. (2014). Successful supervised agricultural experience programs as defined by American FFA Degree star finalists. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Rubenstein, E. D., Thoron, A. C., & Estepp, C. M. (2014). Perceived self-efficacy of preservice agriculture teachers toward specific SAE competencies. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Conner, N. W., & Rubenstein, E. D. (2014). The perceptions of the quality of education received from PhD student instructors through the eyes of four agricultural education undergraduate students. NACTA Journal, 58(1), 11-18.
Rubenstein, E. D., & Thoron, A. C. (2013). An observational analysis of agricultural education faculty during on-site supervisory visits with pre-service teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education, 54(4), 134-148. doi: 10.5032/jae.2013.04134
Thoron, A. C., & Rubenstein, E. D. (2013). The effect of vee maps and laboratory reports on high- and low-order content-knowledge achievement in agriscience education. Journal of Agricultural Education, 54(3), 198-208. doi:10.5032/jae.2013.03198
*Journal of Agricultural Education Outstanding Article (Vol. 54)