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72 results found for Family
The Georgia Structural Pest Control Training Facility is located on the University of Georgia's campus in Griffin, Georgia. The facility was built to train and educate pest management professionals, regulatory inspectors and Cooperative Extension personnel on the biology and management of pests in the home, business and school environments. CAES News
Pests in Schools
Georgia has strict regulations and rules when it comes to managing pests at schools. The University of Georgia Structural Pest Management Program (SPM) offers a biannual workshop on integrated pest management (IPM) for pest control operators who have school contracts in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee. The program will host the fall 2018 School IPM Workshop on Thursday, Aug. 23.
Smart Speakers
Kids say the darnedest things, and with the advent of smart speakers, what they say can have some unforeseen consequences.
College Prep
While it's hard to imagine middle schoolers living on their own or heading off to college, students need to begin to think about their future education and career goals when they’re in middle school.
Dougherty County Extension Coordinator James Morgan teaches Radium Springs Elementary school students how to plant fall vegetables. Morgan has been instrumental in the establishment of school gardens at 13 of the 14 elementary schools in Dougherty County. CAES News
School Gardens
There are more than 2,000 schools in Georgia, and about 25 percent of these have school gardens. These gardens are true outdoor classrooms where students learn about history, geography, math and literature. 
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension nutrition experts say the best way to teach your child to eat healthier is by being a role model. By eating fruits or vegetables you want them to try, you show your children that you aren't asking them to eat something that you don't eat. CAES News
Healthy Meals
Children look to adults for guidance in all aspects of their lives. Their behaviors are directly influenced by the behaviors they observe in adults. This applies to eating, too. 
With so many electronic devices and indoor activities vying for children's time, it's more important than ever for parents to encourage kids to explore the outdoors. CAES News
Nature Deficit Disorder
It’s been 10 years since author Richard Louv coined the term “nature deficit disorder” to describe children who are developmentally behind because they spend so much time inside. 
Georgia 4-H now offers the Setting Your Sights on Medical School program to expose students from medically underserved, rural Georgia to medical school. Members of 4-H must apply to the program, and accepted students travel to Macon for an inside look at medical school through sessions led by Mercer faculty and students. CAES News
Future Doctors
To expose 4-H’ers from medically underserved, rural Georgia to medical school, Georgia 4-H has created a program called “Setting Your Sights on Medical School.” Select students travel to Macon, Georgia, for an inside look at medical school through sessions led by Mercer University Medical School students and faculty.
The Christmas cactus is made up of colorful, iridescent bracts. This true cactus, minus thorns, is native to the South American rainforest. CAES News
Christmas Cactus
Most gardeners know that getting poinsettias to rebloom is a task that is beyond formidable. However, the Christmas cactus, which is rare in beauty, is actually easy to grow and rebloom, maybe even for the rest of your life.
Community supported agriculture is one way to get fresh produce without having to plant a garden. Memberships in a CSA means a farmer gets guaranteed income, and customers get fresh vegetables weekly. Above is an example of a CSA box. CAES News
Healthy Changes
Each year, we set New Year’s goals. Some we achieve, while some are as good as gone by Jan. 2. Just because you fell short last year doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying to make some positive changes this year.
One or two cookies won't hurt during the holidays. CAES News
Holiday Food
The holiday season is filled with all types of parties. While they can put you in a festive mood and allow you to catch up with family and friends, they can also derail your diet when finger foods and delicious beverages abound.