Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 17

241 results found for Lawn and Garden
Termites feed on pieces of wood in garden soil. CAES News
Pest Control Training
The University of Georgia Griffin Campus is hosting two intensive commercial Integrated Pest Management (IPM) training programs this spring, including a 1.5-day workshop on termite control and a 10-week Urban Pest Management Program course that will run from April to June.
Whether you are searching for pelleted seed, unique vegetables or hard-to-find flowers, seed catalogs are full of every kind of seed a gardener could imagine. CAES News
Seed Shopping
It may be too cold to plant seeds, but it's perfect weather for snuggling up in a fluffy blanket with a large mug of coffee and some seed catalogs. Seed catalogs are a great place to find new varieties to experiment with when planning next season’s garden. Knobby pumpkins, feathery foliage, mini-cabbages and unusually colored vegetables are just a few of the unusual seeds you might choose.
Black-eyed Susans win the 2011 gold medal for annuals. The happy flowers do well in large groupings or in the center of flowerbeds. CAES News
Flower Gardens
If you didn’t get the flowers you were hoping for this Valentine’s Day, there’s one way to ensure that you’ll never go without: Grow your own. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has many resources to help you create a cut-flower garden that can provide you with a gorgeous pick-me-up bouquet, whether it’s Valentine’s Day or any other day.
Pink roses bloom on a rose bush at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Georgia. Roses come in a plethora of colors now, not just the traditional red. CAES News
Homegrown Roses
On Valentine’s Day, the demand for cut flowers, especially for roses, is high. This year, Keith Fielder, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agent and rose grower, suggests giving a rose plant along with those fresh cut roses so your sweetheart can enjoy roses almost year-round.
The blooms of the 'Kanjiro' camellia bring in an assortment of pollinators. CAES News
'Kanjiro' Camellia
In Japanese, the word “kanjiro” means “you must feel.” I’m not sure if that means “to touch” or “to experience,” but the ‘Kanjiro’ camellia is certainly one to experience. The ‘Kanjiro’ camellia is known botanically as “Camellia hiemalis” and debuted in 1954. The longevity of this camellia cultivar, which is entering its 64th year, is a testament to both its character and performance in the landscape.
The Christmas cactus is made up of colorful, iridescent bracts. This true cactus, minus thorns, is native to the South American rainforest. CAES News
Christmas Cactus
Most gardeners know that getting poinsettias to rebloom is a task that is beyond formidable. However, the Christmas cactus, which is rare in beauty, is actually easy to grow and rebloom, maybe even for the rest of your life.
'Bouquet Rose' dianthus makes a perfect partner for this planter box containing Delta Pure Color Mix pansies. CAES News
Bouquet dianthus
If you are looking for a pansy companion, cut flower or even a perennial performance, then the Bouquet dianthus series is a perfect choice. For years it was a series of one, ‘Bouquet Purple,’ an electrifying shot of energy to the pansy pal market. Forget the color purple, it is really a shocking, iridescent hot pink that will dazzle in any landscape.
Snow coats leaves in March 2009 in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Snow Damage
North Georgia landscapes have been either dusted or covered with snow this December. Now, homeowners are dealing with the damage that trees and shrubs suffered as a result of heavy, wet snowfall causing vulnerable branches to bend and break.
Through the "Trees for Bees" project, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents are teaching children and adults how to create pollinator habitats. To promote a diverse pollinator habitat, plant pollinator-friendly plants, provide nesting boxes for cavity-nesting bees, leave spots of bare ground for ground-nesting bees and allow winter weeds to bloom to increase floral resources. CAES News
Pollinator Habitats
Pollinators are essential to the production of native plants and food crops. To help pollinators like bees and butterflies do their jobs of moving pollen, home gardeners can provide a habitat that provides water and shelter.
Spring is right around the corner, and so are spring flowers, summer vegetables and all the gardening these seasons bring. CAES News
Shady Spots
For homeowners surrounded by shade, pollinator-friendly landscapes can seem unattainable, but they don’t have to be. Landscapes graced with trees and an abundance of shade can be great resources for pollinators, too.