Browse Drought Stories - Page 3

26 results found for Drought
Despite rains from hurricanes Hermine and Matthew, the coast of Georgia was rated abnormally dry by the U.S. Drought Monitor by the end of November. CAES News
Fall Drought
Weather conditions were warmer and drier than normal across most of the state during November, causing drought and extremely dry conditions to again expand across Georgia.
Fall is the perfect time to install new trees or shrubs or to move existing ones to new locations. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts recommend digging the planting hole two to three times the diameter of the soil ball. CAES News
Watering Tips
Keeping landscape plants alive during the current drought conditions in Georgia takes some forethought, but it’s not impossible or illegal with these tips from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Georgia Urban Ag Council.
Ornamentals, like native azalea 'Rosy Cheeks,' perform well when planted in the fall. The key is to follow proper planting techniques. This includes digging the planting hole twice as big as the plant's rootball and breaking up the rootball before planting. CAES News
Drought & Plants
Prolonged dry weather has prompted an elevated drought response for northwest Georgia. But under all levels of drought response, new plant material can be installed under a 30-day exemption period. Once the establishment period has expired, the drought-response watering practices must be followed accordingly.
UGA Regents Professor Andrew Paterson is leading an international team working toward sustainable intensification of sorghum production. CAES News
Drought Tolerant Sorghum
When University of Georgia plant geneticist Andrew Paterson began searching for lines of sorghum that might survive in some of the most parched places in the world, he didn’t plant trials in the desert.
As of Nov. 1, almost 75 percent of Georgia has been designated as having abnormally dry or drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Image credit: USDA Drought Monitor. CAES News
October Drought
After five months of above-normal temperatures and dry conditions, almost 75 percent of Georgia is now experiencing some level of drought or abnormally dry conditions.
Mercy Butao, from Malawi, Africa, checks out peanuts during a stop on the Georgia Peanut Tour two years ago. CAES News
Georgia Peanut Tour
The annual Georgia Peanut Tour, held Sept. 16 to Sept. 18 in southeast Georgia, is a major attraction for the nation’s peanut industry, and attracts a number of international visitors.