Browse Climate Stories - Page 5

44 results found for Climate
A farm-grown Brussels sprouts plant. CAES News
Brussels Sprouts
Georgia’s hot summers and warm early-fall temperatures – and the intensive labor required to grow and harvest Brussels sprouts – make growing the crop too risky for Georgia farmers.
This 2015 photo shows sunburnt watermelons in a Tift County field. Watermelons can get sunburn if the vines aren't receiving enough water, which leads to wilting that makes fruit vulnerable to sun exposure. CAES News
Watermelon Vine Protection
Whether protecting watermelons from the scalding summer sun or helping plants produce bigger fruit, maintaining healthy vines is a top priority for Georgia growers, especially when farm workers continuously pick from the same fruit bed.
Despite rains from hurricanes Hermine and Matthew, the coast of Georgia was rated abnormally dry by the U.S. Drought Monitor by the end of November. CAES News
Fall Drought
Weather conditions were warmer and drier than normal across most of the state during November, causing drought and extremely dry conditions to again expand across Georgia.
As of Nov. 1, almost 75 percent of Georgia has been designated as having abnormally dry or drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Image credit: USDA Drought Monitor. CAES News
October Drought
After five months of above-normal temperatures and dry conditions, almost 75 percent of Georgia is now experiencing some level of drought or abnormally dry conditions.